Thursday, September 3, 2009

YSR , the source of energy

YSR is the only charismatic visionary leader of AP commanding a great mass following . He is quite different from all the usual politicians we come across . He is a rare mix of a politician with straight forwardness. He is a man of action and personification of courage .His resolve to solve all the problems and put AP in continuous development path always inspires me. His dream project Jala Yagnam ,yet unfinished, is aimed at solving the recurrent drought of AP forever.When everybody were apprehensive of Telangana movement from splitting the state AP he took united state stand and saved it from happening dexterously.His Arogya Sree programme is a first step in bringing sophisticated hospitals accessible to common man.His numerous programmes aimed for the welfare of people will be remembered for ever. He could have done so many things if he were alive.

He and his personality will continue to be my source of energy for years to come. YSR Amar Rahe.

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