Sunday, June 8, 2008


Last Sunday I viewed the movie Gattaca.I liked it.

Gattaca Corp. is an aerospace firm in the future. During this time society analyzes your DNA and determines where you belong in life. The lead character (Vincent) was born with a congenital heart condition which would cast him out of getting a chance to travel in space.He is one of the last "natural" babies born into a sterile, genetically-enhanced world, where life expectancy and disease likelihood are ascertained at birth. Myopic and due to die at 30, he has no chance of a career in a society that now discriminates against your genes, instead of your gender, race or religion. Anton ,the younger brother of Vincent is a genetically superior guy(artificially fertiled with genetical superiority).

Rather than getting into the story ,I liked a dialogue in this movie:

Vincent and Anton frequently put to test their swimming capabilities .They swim as deep as then can into a sea until one of them concedes their defeat.Vincent was the one to get defeated all the time.But once he out performs his younger brother and even rescues his brother from getting drown in the middle of the sea.When Anton comes to consciousness ,ask Vincent how could he do it.Then Vincent answers ,"I have not saved anything to swim back to the shore".

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